Growing Bunnies

A little over two weeks ago, I received a “special delivery” in what was formally known as my bee, bird, and butterfly garden. A doe had made a home in the brush pile in the back of my yard and decided that one of my lavender bushes would be the perfect place for her to nest 4 kittens.

I noticed that she was spending more time in the garden and didn’t think anything about it. Then, a little over a week ago, I looked out the window and saw 2 little ones cuddled up under the tree, munching on some dandelion leaves.

The next day, there were 4.

I had a full week to enjoy watching them in peace. They quickly turned the garden into their home. Chasing each other, exploring new hiding places, and eating plenty of greens.

Unfortunately, once my neighbors returned home from their vacation, they allowed their cats to roam the neighborhood again. I lost one bunny to a cat and another one went missing a few nights ago.

Did you know the rabbits on average only live 1 or 2 years due to predicators, disease, and harsh winters?

Two remain, although they too are becoming more adventurous in their exploration. They have been leaving the safety of their garden more and more each day.

This garden has brought me much joy since I began it in a few years ago. This is one example of many that has made this place so special to me. I feel blessed to live in the city and have such a variety of wildlife coming into, what I’m now calling, my wildlife garden.

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